Why to Outsource Digital Content Conversion?

Outsource Digital Content Conversion
Content is a form of information that any author provides to its audience or dedicated customers. Digital Content is the same information, but in digital form e.g e books, web applications etc. Digital content is in various formats that run on different platforms. Each platform has a different formatting style. Sometimes you have to share the same content with each other, but it is not necessary that these platforms have same formatting style. It may or may not be compatible with each other. It may run partially or may not run at all. For this, you need to convert the content according to the platform. But the question is, who does the conversion work? The writer himself or any third party. If the third party, then why?
The Conversion:-
The writers can themselves convert the content into various formats. But with the advent of new technologies, the variety of platforms and formatting styles has increased, which many content writers may not find easy to learn and adapt to. This deficiency in expertise has given rise to a new business, that of content conversion. While simple conversion can be scanning the document and storing the file in computer, modern conversion can be in the form of e-books, Digital Publishing Platforms for on-line reading, mobile apps for different platforms like Android, Windows, Mac, Linux etc, cross formatting conversion (like text to PDF and vice versa) etc. There are various companies in the market who are engaged in the business of content conversion and have well trained professionals for each type of conversion.
Why Outsource?:-
Writers who want to reach maximum number of people, need to publish in different modern platforms. They do not have the expertise to convert the same content into different formats e.g type-written word files need to be converted into web documents to make it readable on digital devices like Smart-phones. Various links are to be embedded to link the content with its sources and references using XML,HTML5 and CSS3. The digital document has to be formatted according to different sizes and resolution of devices e.g the desktops and laptops have different size and resolution from an I-Phone or any other Smart-phone. So they resort to professionals who make their task easier and that too in far lesser time. They can add attractive styles to the text and make it look unique . They have highly skilled employees who ensure that the conversion is error free.
Some Common Benefits:-
1:-Quick delivery of converted files.
2:-Cost effective, high quality solutions and can handle high volume of data at the same time.
3:-Not just conversion but actual Content enrichment in the form of animated and interactive e Books.
4:-Outsourcing assures 100% error free digital documents. No complaints and hence wider consumer base.
5:-Universally acceptable and flexible formatting.
6:-Highly cost effective as authors can reduce the cost of conversion for multiple distribution channels.
To get more info about digital content conversion visit out blog again.